Showing posts with label Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden Sydney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden Sydney. Show all posts

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden Sydney, VA) - Honor and Tradition

A Tradition of Civility and Honor.

Honor. It's more than an ideal, it's a way of life, and it inspires everything we do at Hampden-Sydney down to the smallest interaction, like greeting everyone we meet on campus. For more than two and a half centuries, we've lived according to two basic statements that summarize what honorable behavior means to us.
The first is the Code of Conduct, our promise to treat each other, members of the College community and everyone else we meet as we would like to be treated. This principle is as powerful today as it was when it was originally introduced in the early nineteenth century:

"The Hampden-Sydney student will behave as a gentleman at all times and in all places."
The second principle is the Honor Code.

We use it as a guide in every interaction - academic, professional, and social. By agreeing to follow it, we pledge our opposition to underhanded or illegal behavior. It applies at all times and in all places, but we don't view it as a set of rules. It's a set of ethical principles which make it possible for us to live in a community of mutual trust and respect.

"The Hampden-Sydney student will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do."
These principles guide us in creating a safe and dignified community. By constantly putting them into practice, we make them the core of a lifelong ethical standard.

Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden Sydney, VA) - Liberal Arts Education

Liberal Arts Education
Liberal Arts Education For more than 200 years, Hampden-Sydney has produced well-rounded students who have a wide breadth of knowledge. We believe a liberal arts education provides the best foundation not only for a professional career, but for facing the great intellectual and moral challenges of life.  The goal of a liberal arts education is to create a well-rounded person who can think critically and communicate effectively.

While students have ample opportunity for specialized study, a liberal arts curriculum offers exposure to a broad-based education that  includes core courses in the humanities, foreign language, social sciences, mathematics, and natural sciences, nurtures the development of a literate, articulate, and critical mind, introduces students to general principles and areas of knowledge which develop men capable of making enlightened choices, and creates a well-rounded person who can think critically and communicate effectively. For a more in-depth look at liberal arts philosophy:
Liberal Arts and the Human Soul
Dr. James A. Arieti, Thompson Professor of Classics
In this article, Dr. Arieti discusses the "ways [H-SC's] core requirements aim at the goods of the soul...What sets Hampden-Sydney apart today is its courageous embrace of the liberal arts...The spiritual gold of Hampden-Sydney's curriculum has a much greater value still."

Monday 20 July 2015

Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden Sydney, VA)

Hampden-Sydney College

Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden Sydney, VA)

Hampden-Sydney College is a private, liberal arts college for men, located in the small town of Hampden-Sydney, about halfway between Richmond and Lynchburg. Founded in 1775, it was the last college established before the American Revolution and is one of three remaining all-men’s liberal arts colleges in the U.S.

Hampden-Sydney’s 1,200-acre rural campus is home to 1106 undergraduates. Freshmen are required to live on campus, but nearly all students remain on campus until the graduate. The current student-to-faculty ratio is 10-to-one. There are more than 40 student-run clubs on campus, including political, sports, and religious clubs, a radio station, a band, and several fraternities.

The college is governed by a strict honor code. Major offenses, such as theft, lying, and cheating, are grounds for expulsion. If a student is accused of such an offense, he will stand trail and be judged by a group of his peers. Hampden-Sydney Students are expected to complete a rigorous core curriculum on top of their major specific course work. Forbes ranked Hampden-Sydney College as the #4 Best College in the South.

Hampden-Sydney College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.
