Showing posts with label Rochester Institute of Technology - Web and Mobile Computing (formerly Information Technology) BS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rochester Institute of Technology - Web and Mobile Computing (formerly Information Technology) BS. Show all posts

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Rochester Institute of Technology - Web and Mobile Computing (formerly Information Technology) BS

Web and Mobile Computing (formerly Information Technology) BS
Stephen Zilora, Chair
(585) 475-7645,

Program overview
Web and mobile computing explores ubiquitous application development with a firm focus on the end user experience. Students have an interest in the technology of today (and tomorrow), but they’re also interested in how people use that technology. The Web and mobile computing major is about combining people and technology to bring out the best in both.
What truly sets our graduates apart is their ability to see the world through the eyes of the user. Creating an impactful App begins with solid code and good design, but understanding user expectations is the cornerstone of that process. In the Web and mobile computing major, students learn a user-centric approach to application creation. That, coupled with a robust developer skillset, enables them to produce applications that connect with multiple users across varied environments.
The curriculum is structured with this in mind. Students learn how to integrate the back end code with the front end UI, and will be able to do it across several languages and platforms. This comprehensive knowledge enables students to impact the App design process at all levels, making them incredibly valuable to employers seeking today’s application developers. Students can also specialize on one of four areas, which provides students with the knowledge they need to pursue a professional or personal aspiration.

Plan of study
The core competencies provide a foundation for developing greater depth in specialized concentration areas. Students choose one of the following concentrations: enterprise Web application development, enterprise database development, mobile application development, or enterprise application development. In addition, with department permission, students can create a special-topics sequence.

Cooperative education
The major requires students to complete two blocks of cooperative education. Students may begin their co-op requirement after completing their second year of study.

Web and mobile computing, BS degree, typical course sequence

Friday 18 September 2015

Rochester Institute of Technology - Web and Mobile Computing (formerly Information Technology) BS

Web and Mobile Computing (formerly Information Technology) BS
Stephen Zilora, Chair
(585) 475-7645,

Program overview
Web and mobile computing explores ubiquitous application development with a firm focus on the end user experience. Students have an interest in the technology of today (and tomorrow), but they’re also interested in how people use that technology. The Web and mobile computing major is about combining people and technology to bring out the best in both.

What truly sets our graduates apart is their ability to see the world through the eyes of the user. Creating an impactful App begins with solid code and good design, but understanding user expectations is the cornerstone of that process. In the Web and mobile computing major, students learn a user-centric approach to application creation. That, coupled with a robust developer skillset, enables them to produce applications that connect with multiple users across varied environments.

The curriculum is structured with this in mind. Students learn how to integrate the back end code with the front end UI, and will be able to do it across several languages and platforms. This comprehensive knowledge enables students to impact the App design process at all levels, making them incredibly valuable to employers seeking today’s application developers. Students can also specialize on one of four areas, which provides students with the knowledge they need to pursue a professional or personal aspiration.

Plan of study
The core competencies provide a foundation for developing greater depth in specialized concentration areas. Students choose one of the following concentrations: enterprise Web application development, enterprise database development, mobile application development, or enterprise application development. In addition, with department permission, students can create a special-topics sequence.

Cooperative education

The major requires students to complete two blocks of cooperative education. Students may begin their co-op requirement after completing their second year of study.
