Showing posts with label Master of Arts in Health Promotion (MAHP) - Concord University. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Master of Arts in Health Promotion (MAHP) - Concord University. Show all posts

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Master of Arts in Health Promotion (MAHP) - Concord University

Expert of Arts in Health Promotion 

The Master of Arts in Health Promotion (M.A.) is a 33 credit hour on-line program that will get ready very prepared wellbeing teachers to meet the wellbeing needs of our general public in an assortment of work settings, including group and general wellbeing offices, work site wellbeing advancement projects, schools, and other wellbeing associations. This project is intended for experts who need to upgrade their aptitudes in advancing wellbeing methodologies that will prompt enhanced infection counteractive action. The M.A. in Health Promotion system is fitting for those with college degrees in an assortment of ranges including wellbeing training, wellbeing advancement, general wellbeing, human science, brain research, associated wellbeing fields, and ecological wellbeing concentrates on.

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