Thursday 20 August 2015

Thomas More College of Liberal Arts (Merrimack, NH - Classical Languages

Classical Languages

Illa vox et imploratio “Civis Romanus sum,” quae saepe multis in ultimis terris opem inter barbaros et salutem tulit.Cicero, In Verrem Meritorious is that course of education which, during the academic formation of the youth, desires that student carefully study of the ancient classics in Greek and Latin.from Pope Leo XIII, Ea disciplinae, On the study of languages in an undergraduate education To be without Greek or Latin is barbarism.

To the end of his days, the bullish Theodore Roosevelt contended that one thing was necessary for an individual to be educated to such a standard that he had a chance to lead in the world of politics or daily affairs. That “essential element” was “classical training.” There was never, until very recently, any opposition perceived between the liberal learning that came from the careful study of Latin and Greek and the often practical actions that students inevitably undertake beyond the college years. In the Catholic tradition, the recovery and preservation of Greek and Latin learning remains central—indeed, the very foundation of an education. 
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Thomas More College of Liberal Arts (Merrimack, NH - Mathematics, Natural Science, and Philosophy

Mathematics, Natural Science, and Philosophy

There are some who through knowledge of things natural construct a ladder by which to rise to the contemplation of things supernatural; they build a path to theology through philosophy and the liberal arts . . . they adorn the queen of heaven with the spoils of the Egyptians. 
–from St. Thomas More’s Letter to the Guild of Masters of the University of Oxford

In his celebrated Regensburg Address, Pope Benedict XVI declared that the virtue most required today by those who seek the truth is nothing less than a kind of intellectual fortitude: the “courage to engage the whole breadth of reason.”  It is a program with which St. Thomas More would have heartily agreed.  For More not only championed Classical languages, but—as the passage above indicates—he also eloquently affirmed the noble task of the other liberal arts and of philosophy to prepare the mind for the arduous ascent towards wisdom.At Thomas More College, students begin the path to wisdom—natural and revealed—with courses that seek to attune their senses to the beauty and intelligibility of the Creation.  In the Way of Beauty sequence, they learn to discipline their eyes, ears, hands, and even their voices, as they ponder the mysteries of proportion in the visual arts and music.  Coupled with a semester of Euclidean Geometry in the Spring Term of their first year, the Way of Beauty sequence helps to reveal the sacred arithmetic and geometry built into the Creation and the human mind.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Reed College (Portland, OR) - Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Introductory courses in the Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences help students become familiar with elementary principles that form a basis for understanding each discipline. Instruction clarifies methods of observation, experimentation, analysis, and reasoning by which insight is gained into the nature of the mathematical and physical worlds. Introductory and advanced courses in mathematics and the natural sciences are planned as part of students’ education in the liberal arts. Advanced courses in different scientific fields extend students’ knowledge and give them training in specialized techniques characteristic of the individual sciences.
An important part of a science student’s experience at Reed is the thesis, an independent project of research or critical or creative work carried out under the guidance of a faculty member. Students who have an interest in engineering, computer science, or forestry and environmental sciences may participate in dual degree programs with Reed and cooperating institutions in the Portland area and beyond.

Reed College (Portland, OR) - Division of History and Social Sciences

Reed College (Portland, OR) - Dual Degree and Special Programs (Computer Science- Engineering)

Dual Degree and Special Programs

In order to offer students a broad selection of majors, Reed College has affiliated with cooperating institutions where students may undertake a program that will allow them to graduate with degrees from both institutions. 
Students participating in these programs are required to maintain contact with Reed during the years spent at the other institution. Information is available from the Reed College registrar’s office. Students interested in these programs should consult with the appropriate Reed coordinator early in their time at Reed. Summary information about the engineering and computer science programs is also available on the web.
Computer Science

By arrangement with the University of Washington, a student may obtain a bachelor of arts degree from Reed and a bachelor of science degree in computer science from the University of Washington....


By arrangement with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), the Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, or Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, a student may obtain a bachelor’s degree in engineering (alternatively, computer science or certain earth and planetary sciences) and a bachelor of arts degree from Reed....

Reed College (Portland, OR) - Physical Education (PE)

Michael Lombardo, Director
In keeping with Juvenal’s classic ideal mens sana in corpore sano—or, a sound mind in a sound body—a PE requirement is integrated into the Reed curriculum. The PE requirement is designed to support students in maintaining their physical health, to introduce students to physical education activities, and to encourage them to participate regularly. Student enjoyment, fitness, and skill learning are emphasized; competition is not.
Classes that satisfy the PE requirement are offered at a variety of levels depending on enrollment and student ability. In addition, Reed has organized club sports teams that qualify for PE credit and will challenge students who want competition outside the college in sports such as basketball, rugby, soccer, ultimate Frisbee, rowing, fencing, and squash.
Classes are normally held twice a week for one hour. Attendance is required. Please refer to the schedule of classes for more details and information on class fees and trip dates. Classes usually offered (based on interest and time of year):

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Brown University (Providence, RI) - Outstanding Executive and Professional Education

               Outstanding Executive and Professional Education

The School of Professional Studies, newly named in 2014, demonstrates Brown University’s commitment to executive education and its mission to develop reflective leaders, to effect change in the world, and to improve human welfare. Under the leadership of Dean Karen Sibley, the School offers outstanding educational programs for executives and professionals in diverse fields
IE Brown Executive MBA - offered in partnership with internationally top-ranked IE Business School in Madrid, Spain.
Executive Master of Healthcare Leadership - for clinicians, executives, senior administrators, and others with significant responsibility in the health industry.
The Choices Program - for experienced educators who bring current and historical international issues into their classroom discussions.

Brown University (Providence, RI) - Graduate and Postdoctoral Biology

Graduate and Postdoctoral Biology

Graduate students in the life sciences benefit from working under the direction of accomplished mentors in an outstanding training environment. They play important roles as members of research teams with Division faculty, postdoctorates, and undergraduate students. Brown graduate students have a reputation for being equal partners in innovation and discovery, contributing to some of the highest scientific achievements to come out of Brown laboratories.

The Division's five basic science departments all participate in graduate training.

Graduate study at Brown comprises more than 15 degree programs and varied opportunities in postdoctoral scholarship. We offer comprehensive course work leading to the master of science (ScM) and doctor of philosophy (PhD). There is also a joint MD/PhD program offered in conjunction with Alpert Medical School.

Master's Programs

Biomedical Engineering


Fifth-Year Master's Program - for current Brown undergrads.

Pfizer Program

Brown University (Providence, RI) - Mathematics, Department of

The Mathematics 
Department at Brown balances a lively interest in students and teaching with a distinguished research reputation. Our several strong research groups, Analysis, Algebraic Geometry, Geometry and Topology, and Number Theory, all have active weekly seminars that draw speakers ranging from the local to the 
international. We support 30 to 40 graduate students in a Ph.D. program whose graduates populate top mathematics departments and prominent positions in industry. Our joint graduate courses and seminars with the adjacent Division of Applied Mathematics add to the breadth of offerings available to our graduate students.
The undergraduate program in mathematics at Brown is designed to prepare students for careers in the mathematical sciences and other careers requiring strong analytical skills, while engaging more ambitious students in creative projects that can culminate in a senior thesis. 

University of Dallas (Irving, TX) - MBA Degree Program

MBA Degree Program

The 30 credit hour program can be completed in approximately four to five terms, depending on the number of classes taken at once. Because of the individual nature of the program, students can customize the pace of their course schedule, so actual completion time will vary by student.

 Courses are offered in both onground or online formats, or a blend of the two. Onground courses are offered weeknights. The Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business uses a trimester system, with fall, spring and summer terms. With year-round classes and multiple starting points each term, students can choose from 12 week, 6 week or intermester classes.

MBA with Concentration

Appending additional courses to the 30-hour MBA curriculum, this 42 credit hour track can be completed in approximately five to seven terms, depending on the number of classes taken at once. Choose from the following concentrations:


With students from a wide range of backgrounds, the MS and MBA Accounting Programs offer a strong set of Accounting skills that will enable them to pursue diverse careers.

Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden Sydney, VA) - Honor and Tradition

A Tradition of Civility and Honor.

Honor. It's more than an ideal, it's a way of life, and it inspires everything we do at Hampden-Sydney down to the smallest interaction, like greeting everyone we meet on campus. For more than two and a half centuries, we've lived according to two basic statements that summarize what honorable behavior means to us.
The first is the Code of Conduct, our promise to treat each other, members of the College community and everyone else we meet as we would like to be treated. This principle is as powerful today as it was when it was originally introduced in the early nineteenth century:

"The Hampden-Sydney student will behave as a gentleman at all times and in all places."
The second principle is the Honor Code.

We use it as a guide in every interaction - academic, professional, and social. By agreeing to follow it, we pledge our opposition to underhanded or illegal behavior. It applies at all times and in all places, but we don't view it as a set of rules. It's a set of ethical principles which make it possible for us to live in a community of mutual trust and respect.

"The Hampden-Sydney student will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do."
These principles guide us in creating a safe and dignified community. By constantly putting them into practice, we make them the core of a lifelong ethical standard.

Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden Sydney, VA) - Liberal Arts Education

Liberal Arts Education
Liberal Arts Education For more than 200 years, Hampden-Sydney has produced well-rounded students who have a wide breadth of knowledge. We believe a liberal arts education provides the best foundation not only for a professional career, but for facing the great intellectual and moral challenges of life.  The goal of a liberal arts education is to create a well-rounded person who can think critically and communicate effectively.

While students have ample opportunity for specialized study, a liberal arts curriculum offers exposure to a broad-based education that  includes core courses in the humanities, foreign language, social sciences, mathematics, and natural sciences, nurtures the development of a literate, articulate, and critical mind, introduces students to general principles and areas of knowledge which develop men capable of making enlightened choices, and creates a well-rounded person who can think critically and communicate effectively. For a more in-depth look at liberal arts philosophy:
Liberal Arts and the Human Soul
Dr. James A. Arieti, Thompson Professor of Classics
In this article, Dr. Arieti discusses the "ways [H-SC's] core requirements aim at the goods of the soul...What sets Hampden-Sydney apart today is its courageous embrace of the liberal arts...The spiritual gold of Hampden-Sydney's curriculum has a much greater value still."

Monday 20 July 2015

University of Wyoming-Casper College Center (Casper, WY)

University of Wyoming-Casper College Center

University of Wyoming-Casper College Center (Casper, WY)

Unlike the other four-year colleges on this list, the University of Wyoming-Casper College Center is actually a partnership between a university (the University of Wyoming—see the previous entry) and a two-year community college (Casper College). The classes fulfill a need for higher education options in central Wyoming for students who are not able to relocate to a four-year university.

Casper College Center classes take place on the campus of Casper College, under the auspices of the University of Wyoming. Most students enrolled in classes at the Center have obligations, such as jobs or children, which prevent them from relocating to the University of Wyoming’s main campus at Laramie. Founded in 1976, the Center is dedicated to small class sizes, which provide hands-on experience in the classroom and the field, as well as to community service and an impressive lecture series.

The Center has countless partnerships with local businesses and corporations, which provide students with a wealth of internship options and potential future employers. Thus, the Center helps students to realize their potential and to gain the work experience required to succeed. The University of Wyoming currently offers 17 undergraduate and 12 graduate degree programs at its Center on the campus of Casper College.

The University of Wyoming-Casper College Center is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association

University of Wyoming (Laramie, WY)

University of Wyoming

University of Wyoming (Laramie, WY)

The University of Wyoming (UW) is a public, research university located in the town of Laramie, in the southern part of the state between Casper and Fort Collins, Colorado. Established in 1886, four years before Wyoming achieved statehood, the university serves as the flagship school for the University of Wyoming system.

The UW campus sits on the Laramie Plains at an elevation of 7,200 feet. The university comprises seven Colleges: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Arts and Sciences, Business, Education, Engineering and Applied Sciences, Health Sciences, and Law. Across these Colleges, students may pursue nearly 200 different undergraduate, postgraduate, and professional degree programs. Princeton Review places UW in the top 15 percent of four-year universities in the country.

Socially, UW has dozens of clubs and activities, three sororities, seven fraternities, and several ongoing school-funded events, such as Friday Night Fever, a weekly event providing students with an alcohol-free option. The event changes, which usually involves live entertainment, changes weekly to appeal to a broad cross-section of students.

The University of Wyoming system as a whole, including the Laramie campus, is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Beloit College (Beloit, WI)

Beloit College

Beloit College (Beloit, WI)

Beloit College is a private, undergraduate, liberal arts college located in the town of Beloit, south of Janesville on the Wisconsin-Illinois state line. Established in 1846, the college is the oldest continuously operated institution of higher learning in the state. As Beloit was founded by pioneers, the college emphasizes those roots by promoting student sovereignty and agency, varied learning experiences occurring in and out of the classroom, and inner reflection

Beloit enrolls about 1,300 students, and has an academic staff of 105; thus, the college maintains an approximately 12-to-one student-to-faculty ratio. The average class size is about 15 students. The school has more than 50 majors and 30 minors; a dual-degree program is also available.

The 40-acre campus is known for its meadows, public art, and eclectic architectural styles. Unsurprisingly, given the college’s penchant for encouraging adventure among its students, 56 percent participate in a study abroad program while attending school there.

Forbes ranks Beloit as the #125 Best University in the Nation, while U.S. News & World Report considers this college to be a Best Value within the National Liberal Arts College category.

Beloit College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
