Wednesday 23 September 2015

Rochester Institute of Technology - Graphic Design BFA

Graphic Design BFA
Carol Fillip, Program Chair
(585) 475-7914,

Program overview
Graphic designers are visual problem-solvers who use a wide variety of concepts and media to inform, direct, promote, entertain, engage, and educate specific audiences. The graphic design major prepares students to integrate design principles, methods, concepts, images, words, and ideas to creatively convey visual messages meant to produce specific responses from diverse audiences.

Graphic design students are exposed to a full range of topics throughout their curriuclum, including information design, Web and interaction design, branding and identity design, design systems, exhibit and wayfinding design, user experience design, and professional practices. With a balance of history, theory, problem solving approaches, conceptual exploration, applied problem solving, human interaction, and the integration of technology, students gain the knowledge and skills needed to create innovative and effective design solutions for a wide range of media and audiences. Access to RIT's world-renowned Vignelli Center for Design Studies, the Cary Graphic Design Archive, and the Cary Library enables students to further enhance their learning and inquiry.
Alumni and guest speakers, along with opportunities for internships, co-ops, and freelance experiences further enhance the program. Additionally, interdisciplinary and COLLABORATIVE projects within RIT and with outside organizations result in innovative and meaningful hands-on projects that encourage students to explore the social, ethical, and environmental impact of design. Graduates are well-prepared to pursue positions within design firms, advertising agencies, corporations, and technology companies around the world.
                                                                                              Plan of study
The BFA degree in graphic design integrates major courses, studio and free electives, liberal arts, and art/design history. Aspects of business, professional practices, computer-based skills, collaborative projects, and WORKFLOW are also integrated into the curriculum.

Studio electives
Students may select elective courses that enhance their studies or allow them to pursue an area of personal or professional interest. Elective credit can be earned through studio-based courses offered in the College of Imaging Arts and Sciences.

Art/Design/Photo/Craft history electives
Students are required to select two visual art history electives to broaden their understanding of the historical development of the visual arts.

Graphic design, BFA degree, typical course

Rochester Institute of Technology - Web and Mobile Computing (formerly Information Technology) BS

Web and Mobile Computing (formerly Information Technology) BS
Stephen Zilora, Chair
(585) 475-7645,

Program overview
Web and mobile computing explores ubiquitous application development with a firm focus on the end user experience. Students have an interest in the technology of today (and tomorrow), but they’re also interested in how people use that technology. The Web and mobile computing major is about combining people and technology to bring out the best in both.
What truly sets our graduates apart is their ability to see the world through the eyes of the user. Creating an impactful App begins with solid code and good design, but understanding user expectations is the cornerstone of that process. In the Web and mobile computing major, students learn a user-centric approach to application creation. That, coupled with a robust developer skillset, enables them to produce applications that connect with multiple users across varied environments.
The curriculum is structured with this in mind. Students learn how to integrate the back end code with the front end UI, and will be able to do it across several languages and platforms. This comprehensive knowledge enables students to impact the App design process at all levels, making them incredibly valuable to employers seeking today’s application developers. Students can also specialize on one of four areas, which provides students with the knowledge they need to pursue a professional or personal aspiration.

Plan of study
The core competencies provide a foundation for developing greater depth in specialized concentration areas. Students choose one of the following concentrations: enterprise Web application development, enterprise database development, mobile application development, or enterprise application development. In addition, with department permission, students can create a special-topics sequence.

Cooperative education
The major requires students to complete two blocks of cooperative education. Students may begin their co-op requirement after completing their second year of study.

Web and mobile computing, BS degree, typical course sequence

Rochester Institute of Technology - Software Engineering BS

Software Engineering BS
James Vallino, Chair
(585) 475-2991,

Program overview
As software becomes ever more common in everything from airplanes to appliances, there is an increasing demand for engineering professionals who can develop high-quality, cost-effective software systems. The BS in software engineering combines traditional computer science and engineering with specialized course work in software engineering.

Students learn principles, methods, and techniques for the construction of complex and evolving software systems. The major encompasses technical issues affecting software architecture, design, and implementation as well as process issues that address PROJECT MANAGEMENT, planning, quality assurance, and product maintenance. Upon graduation, students are prepared for immediate employment and long-term professional growth in software development organizations.

The BS degree in software engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,

Plan of study
An important component of the curriculum is complementary course work in related disciplines. As with other engineering fields, mathematics and the natural sciences are fundamental. In addition, students must complete courses in related fields of engineering, business, or science. Two engineering electives, plus a three-course sequence in an application domain, enable students to connect software engineering principles to application areas. A required course in economics or finance bridges software engineering with the realities of the business environment.
Students also complete general education courses in the liberal arts and a required ethics course helps students develop a sense of professionalism and social responsibility in the technical world.

Engineering electives

Students may choose engineering electives from software engineering, computer science, or programs in Kate Gleason College of Engineering. Additional rules and restrictions are listed on the department website.

Rochester Institute of Technology - Sociology and Anthropology BS

Sociology and Anthropology BS
Christine Kray, Program Co-Director
(585) 475-4686,
Kijana Crawford, Program Co-Director
(585) 475-2943,

Program overview
The sociology and anthropology major is dedicated to understanding and appreciating social and cultural complexity and diversity across the globe and through time. Students are exposed to critical perspectives, theories, and research skills that are necessary to engage complex global and local issues that crosscut the economy, politics, society, gender, ethnicity, and culture. Understanding societies past and present better prepares us to face the challenges of a rapidly changing world and to assume positions of leadership that promote vision and equity.

Plan of study
This integrated, interdisciplinary degree program explores the common scholarly roots and creative differences of sociology and anthropology, through which students gain a synergistic set of perspectives and skills that prepare them for social analysis in the widest array of social and cultural settings. Students develop a specialization by choosing one of four tracks: archaeology, cultural anthropology, sociology, or urban studies.

Graduates pursue careers in medicine and public health, law, business, international development, the non-profit sector, urban planning, architecture, social work, education, and government, among other possibilities.

Cooperative education and field experience
Students apply their classroom knowledge with opportunities for hands-on learning through cooperative education assignments, internships, archaeological or ethnographic fieldwork, laboratory analysis, and study abroad.

Rochester Institute of Technology - Political Science BS

Political Science BS
Sean Sutton, Department Chairperson
(585) 475-4620,

Program overview
The bachelor of science degree in political science tightly integrates the traditional fields of American government and international relations in order to prepare students for a life and career in an increasingly globalized world. Moreover, the major includes three tracks for students to choose from: politics and life sciences, digital politics and organization, and political institutions. Through these tracks students study the influence of recent advances in biology and biotechnology on how we understand ourselves as human beings and citizens, or the use of information technology for political organization and COMMUNICATION. There are few undergraduate political science majors in the country that so fully incorporate both these fields into their curricula, including the opportunity to take courses from the biology and information technology departments as part of their program requirements. The major prepares principled leaders and responsible citizens for fruitful careers in the public and private sectors.

Plan of study
Core courses
The major consists of four core courses designed to introduce students to the general themes of political science. The major culminates in a capstone course, which ties together the themes of the program through a seminar and significant writing project.

Program tracks
The overarching goal of the political science major is to prepare students for the challenges of a life and a career in a world that is increasingly globalized, where the application of biotechnology and biomedicine become common, and where social computing shape and influence democratic government and the wider community. Students are required to choose one track for in depth study on the political impact of modern biology and biotechnology, the changing role of political institutions in a globalized world, or the development and implementation of technologies that increasingly influence political organization and communication.

Program electives
Students are required to take seven political science electives from the department’s American politics and international relations/comparative government offerings with a minimum of three courses from each area. This requirement recognizes the increasing interdependence of domestic and international politics in this era of globalization. Students focus their studies on American politics, international relations, and comparative politics to provide an integrated national and global political perspective.

Rochester Institute of Technology - Philosophy BS

Philosophy BS
John T. Sanders, Program Director
(585) 475-2465,

Program overview
Most of the skills required for student and career success—how to learn, how to apply that learning in professional and personal environments, and how to COMMUNICATE that knowledge—are central to philosophical training. Philosophy students are taught to evaluate complex problems, identify and examine underlying principles, investigate issues from diverse perspectives, and communicate clearly in both written and oral forms.
The philosophy major provides a thorough grounding in the three main areas of philosophy (history, value theory, and reasoning/epistemology), as well as a four-course specialization within philosophy. Students combine philosophy with a core competence (or even a double major) in another discipline, encouraging them to creatively pursue cross-disciplinary relationships. The major concludes with a capstone senior thesis                                              
                                                                            Plan of study
Students develop skills through a core of philosophy courses which cover the history of philosophy, value theory, and reasoning/epistemology. Students choose four courses in an area of philosophical specialization. Examples of approved areas include: philosophy of mind and cognitive science, philosophy of science and technology, applied ethics, philosophy of the social sciences and political philosophy, philosophy of art and aesthetics, history of philosophy, and philosophy of law. Students also complete a professional core of courses designed to provide foundational knowledge in a professional/technical discipline outside of philosophy, which complements their studies. Philosophy electives, general electives, and liberal arts courses complete the curriculum.

Philosophy of mind and cognitive science
This specialization covers the philosophical issues involved in studying intelligence, cognition, identity, consciousness, rationality, creativity and emotion, especially as such concepts and categories are invoked by computer and cognitive scientists, and as they are applied in relation to natural and artificial systems.

Philosophy of science and technology
This specialization examines the concepts, methodologies, and philosophical implications of science and technology, and explores the underlying theories, practices, and consequences of science and technology and their role in shaping societies and their values.

Applied ethics
This specialization examines the ethical underpinnings of different professions as well as the ethical presuppositions and implications of technology, engineering, science, management, and other disciplines. Attention is also given to ethics education within the professions and to the role professional ethicists can play in different professional and organizational settings.

Philosophy of social sciences and political philosophy

This specialization examines philosophical issues arising from social and political life as well as the disciplines that study them.

Philosophy of art and aesthetics
This specialization examines how different philosophical frameworks conceive of the various arts and crafts and the forms of creative experience and production with which they are engaged; explores the relationship between aesthetic perception and other forms of experience and judgment, between art and society, between art and ethics, and between art and technology.

Rochester Institute of Technology - Industrial Engineering BS

Industrial Engineering BS
Scott E. Grasman, Department Head and Professor
(585) 475-2598,

Program overview
Industrial engineers design, optimize, and manage the process by which products are made and distributed across the world (i.e., global supply chain), or the way services are delivered in industries such as banking, health care, energy, or entertainment. Industrial engineers ensure that high-quality products and services are delivered in a cost-effective manner.

Industrial engineering is ideal for those who enjoy both technology and working with people. Industrial engineers frequently spend as much time interacting with other engineers and product users as they do at their desks and computers. Typical work involves developing applied models and simulations of processes to evaluate overall system efficiency.

A degree in industrial engineering offers students a significant opportunity for a flexible long-term career. Employers have consistently praised the quality of RIT's industrial engineering graduates, noting that the range of their abilities includes both strong technical knowledge and COMMUNICATION skills. Graduates have used their technical base as a springboard to careers in management, consulting, manufacturing, sales, health care, law, and education.

Because of the flexible nature of the major, the industrial engineering student can gain breadth of knowledge in many different areas of industrial engineering, including, but not limited to, advanced manufacturing, distribution/logistics, ergonomics/human factors, modeling/simulation, and sustainable design and development. Students may choose free and professional electives for this purpose. Faculty are committed to high-quality engineering education as well as the program's educational objectives.
The industrial engineering curriculum covers the principal concepts of engineering economics and PROJECT MANAGEMENT, facilities planning, human performance, mathematical and simulation modeling, production control, applied statistics and quality, and contemporary manufacturing production processes that are applied to solve the challenges presented by the global environment and economy of today. The curriculum stresses the application of contemporary tools and techniques in solving engineering problems.

As described by the Institute of Industrial Engineers on the organization's website:

"Industrial engineering is about choices. Other engineering disciplines apply skills to very specific areas. IE gives practitioners the opportunity to work in a variety of businesses.

Many practitioners say that an industrial engineering education offers the best of both worlds: an education in both engineering and business.

The most distinctive aspect of industrial engineering is the flexibility it offers. Whether it's shortening a roller coaster line, streamlining an operating room, distributing products worldwide, or manufacturing superior automobiles, these challenges share the common goal of saving companies money and increasing efficiencies.

As companies adopt management philosophies of continuous productivity and quality improvement to survive in the increasingly competitive world MARKET, the need for industrial engineers is growing. Why? Industrial engineers are the only engineering professionals trained specifically to be productivity and quality improvement specialists.

Industrial engineers figure out how to do things better. They engineer processes and systems that improve quality and productivity. They work to eliminate waste of time, money, materials, energy and other commodities. This is why many industrial engineers end up being promoted into management positions.

Many people are misled by the term industrial engineer. It's not just about manufacturing. It also encompasses service industries, with many IEs employed in entertainment industries, shipping and logistics businesses, and health care organizations."

Industrial engineers are "big-picture" thinkers, much like systems integrators. IEs spend most of their time out in the work environment, using scientific approaches to solve today's problems while they develop solutions for the future.
Educational objectives
Faculty from the department of industrial and systems engineering, in conjunction with its constituents, have established the following educational objectives for the industrial engineering major:

Rochester Institute of Technology - Game Design and Development BS

Game Design and Development BS
Tona Henderson, Director
(585) 475-2763,

Program overview
The bachelor of science in game design and development allows students to explore the entertainment technology landscape and related areas, while still pursuing a broad-based university education. The degree is intended specifically for students who aspire to hold careers within the professional games industry or a related field, such as simulation, edutainment, or visualization. This degree also provides students with a core computing education that prepares them for graduate study or employment in a number of computing fields.

Plan of study
With an emphasis on game programming, the major exposes students to a breadth of development and design processes. Students complete a core of required course work and then pursue advanced studies that can be customized to individual interests and career goals. Students can further specialize their major by taking electives in areas such as game design, production, engines and systems, graphics programming and animation, mobile, Web, audio, and more. This depth of course work also enables students to build a robust portfolio of games and other interactive projects.

                                                                            Cooperative education
Cooperative education (co-op) is full-time, paid work experience that provides students with an opportunity to learn on the job in real-world industry setting—a definite edge when applying for jobs after graduation. Students are required to complete two blocks of co-op, which may start after their second year of study. Although students usually complete co-ops during the summer term, they may also be completed during the academic year.

Rochester Institute of Technology - Economics BS

Economics BS

Jeffrey Wagner, Department Chairperson
(585) 475-5289,

Program overview
The economics major emphasizes the quantitative analytical approach to dealing with economic problems in both the public and private sectors, providing students with MARKETABLE skills and the intellectual foundation for career growth. Graduates are prepared for entry-level managerial and analytical positions in both industry and government and to pursue graduate studies in economics, business, and law.
                                                                            Plan of study
The economics curriculum develops COMMUNICATION, computational, and management skills in addition to economic reasoning and quantitative abilities. The major's required courses develop students' abilities to apply economic analysis to real-world problems. Liberal arts courses enhance oral and written communication skills. Business courses include accounting and finance. Quantitative analytical skills are developed by a course sequence that includes computer science, mathematics, and statistics. Free electives allow students to pursue advanced study in their individual areas of interest and/or develop a double major. Along with finance, marketing, mathematics, statistics, or computer science, there are many other possibilities. Faculty advisers help students develop professional options that assist them in attaining their career goals.

Students choose one of the following tracks: economic theory, environmental economics, or managerial economics.
                                                                            Cooperative education
Cooperative education is optional. Students who participate in co-op may find positions with financial and brokerage institutions, government offices, and large corporations. Co-op can be completed during any semester, including summer, after the sophomore year. The Office of Cooperative Education and Career Services assists students in identifying and applying to co-op positions. 

Capstone experience
Students are required to complete a creative capstone experience. Students may publish a paper in a refereed journal, present a paper at a professional conference or at an RIT-sponsored conference, present research at an approved exhibit at Imagine RIT: Innovation and Creativity Festival, or fulfill a comparable creative capstone requirement in the student's primary major (if economics is the secondary major).

Rochester Institute of Technology - Computer Engineering Technology BS

Computer Engineering Technology BS
Michael Eastman, Department Chair
(585) 475-7787,

Program overview
Embedded systems are at the heart of devices and systems used every day. Computer engineers design embedded systems for medical diagnostic equipment, digital cameras, missile guidance systems, anti-lock braking systems, scanners, copiers, switches, routers, and cell phones. The embedded systems designer requires knowledge of computer hardware and software.

The computer engineering technology major is designed to meet industry’s ever-increasing need for engineers with an in-depth knowledge of hardware and software design and development. The curriculum bridges the gap between these two disciplines by providing a solid foundation in each and integrating them with intensive classroom and laboratory experiences.
From a software perspective, students gain a strong background in cutting-edge development with programming languages currently used in industry. Students learn industry standard approaches to application software development as well as state-of-the-art problem-solving techniques. Students learn techniques for developing applications code and firmware, and they understand and appreciate the difference. Embedded “C” and assembly language programming are performed in numerous courses.
The hardware focus of the curriculum is on digital systems design and development. From low-level gate design to high-end microprocessors and current bus standards, students gain an architectural understanding of computer systems. The curriculum includes in-depth design and analysis of combinational logic, sequential logic and state machines, micro-controller systems, microprocessor systems, and state-of-the-art computer technology. Students perform schematic entry timing analysis and FPGA development in VHDL using industry standard computer-aided engineering tools.
A capstone experience in the fifth year enables students to integrate their hardware and software expertise in a semester-long project course.

The emphasis on hardware and software design, along with a solid foundation in math, science, and the liberal arts, produces graduates who are well-prepared to enter the work force as design engineers or to pursue advanced degrees. Students will gain depth of knowledge and breadth of experience that will inspire them to pursue successful careers in their chosen professional field and embark on a path of lifelong learning.

Students may elect to use the two technical electives and the two free electives to complete an option in audio or telecommunications. Each option consists of four courses.

Cooperative education
The program requires students to complete approximately 50 weeks of cooperative education. Students may begin their co-op experience in the third year of the program. Co-ops may be completed during the academic year or during the summer. Each student is assigned a co-op adviser to assist in identifying and applying to opportunities.

The computer engineering technology major is accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology ABET,

Computer engineering technology, BS degree, typical course sequence

Rochester Institute of Technology - Civil Engineering Technology BS

Civil Engineering Technology BS
Todd Dunn, Department Chair
(585) 475-2900,
Scott B. Wolcott, Undergraduate Coordinator
(585) 475-6647,

Program overview
The civil engineering technology major prepares students for employment in the fields of civil engineering, construction management, and other closely related professions. Students learn civil engineering technology fundamentals from faculty members who have years of practical, professional, on-the-job experience. The major stresses applied engineering, where students work in various laboratory settings to learn about theory, how design parameters are determined, and how to best utilize state-of-the-art equipment and engineering software. In addition, students learn the skills necessary to pursue additional education, certification, or professional licensure. Course work and extracurricular activities are designed to broaden students' involvement in organizations within and outside their profession. These objectives are achieved through a broad-based curriculum that offers students a choice of five elective paths that meet specific career interests.

Program goal
The goal of the civil engineering technology major is to provide an academically demanding education to meet the needs of students and employers by properly preparing them for a successful career after graduation.

The civil engineering technology major is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC) of ABET,

Plan of study
The major includes two technical electives and two free electives that can be used to gain additional depth or breadth in civil engineering or construction management. In addition, students may choose to utilize electives to pursue a minor outside of the civil engineering technology major or a professional option within the major. Options are not required, but students may choose to complete an option in construction management, structural design, or water resources to gain a deep understanding of these particular topics and how they impact civil engineering.

Professional options
Students may choose to pursue one of three professional options in construction management, structural design, or water resources. Professional options consist of three courses chisen by the student.

Construction management
The construction management option is ideal for students who have an interest in courses related to the business, management, and technical aspects related to construction.

Rochester Institute of Technology - Chemistry BS

Chemistry BS
Paul Craig, School Head
(585) 475-6145,

Program overview
The chemistry major prepares students for positions in several fields of chemistry, including professional industrial work in processing and laboratory operations, research and experimental work, supervision of technical projects, and managerial positions. A substantial number of students continue their education and earn advanced degrees in chemistry or pursue careers in pharmacy, medicine, and dentistry.

The chemistry major allows for flexibility in the type and number of chemistry and university-wide elective courses taken by the student. The program also provides students the option of planning an elective concentration in a complementary field such as imaging science, business, graphic arts, psychology, biology, criminal justice, computer science, engineering, environmental science, forensics, mathematics, packaging science, and physics.

Cooperative education
The chemistry major may be completed in four or five years, depending on the amount of cooperative education experience each student elects to complete. Co-op may begin as early as the summer after the first year. Students may elect to complete the BS degree requirements in a traditional four-year program with three summers of co-op work experience. Students who choose to complete co-op requirements during the academic year will be required to extend the length of their program.

Undergraduate research opportunities
We encourage our students to meet the professors in the School of Chemistry & Materials Science early in their time on campus. Many of our students join research labs and engage in research starting as early as their first year. Participation in undergraduate research will open up opportunties to make presentations at local and national conferences. Many of our student researchers also become contributing authors on peer-reviewed manuscripts
