Saturday 12 September 2015



Enrollment in specific courses in the College of Education may be restricted to students who clearly demonstrate the greatest potential for success as teachers. Factors such as general studies courses completed, GPA, scores on state and program tests, interviews, etc., may be considered.

MUE 107 Basic Skills in Music. 2 hours.
Basic music-reading skills developed through singing and playing of instruments. The course is designed for the prospective elementary school teacher and is a prerequisite for MUE 385. Students with previous musical training may elect to demonstrate equivalent skills through testing.

MUE 200 Introduction to Music Education. 2 hours.
Techniques associated with teaching music in public schools. Development of classroom management skills and reflection on the role of the music educator in contemporary classrooms.

MUE 251 Introduction to Winds, Strings, and Percussion. 3 hours.
Group instruction in and exposure to techniques for working with wind, string, and percussion instruments. This survey course includes lecture, demonstration, and hands-on participation. Offered spring semester.

MUE 252 Teaching String and Percussion Instruments. 2 hours.
Group instruction in and exposure to techniques of teaching and performing on string, and percussion instruments. This survey course includes lecture, demonstration, and hands-on participation. Offered spring semester.

MUE 350 Evaluation of Teaching and Learning in Music. 3 hours.
Prerequisites: MATH 100 or higher, BEP 305, admission to the teacher education program, and a grade of “B” or better in MUE 389.

Survey of standardized instruments and evaluation techniques in music.

MUE 351 Teaching Flute and Single Reeds. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Admission to the teacher education program.

Instructional techniques and materials for teaching flute and single reeds. Offered fall semester.

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