Wednesday 25 May 2016

Department of English and Foreign Languages - McNeese State University

Welcome from the Department Head 

The essential motivation behind the Department of Languages is to prepare understudies to comprehend and to convey thoughts through the medium of dialects: English, French, Greek, Latin, and Spanish. The division additionally empowers dynamic engagement in examination and/or imaginative work, and its individuals serve the scholarly and social needs of the group. In particular, English courses give the preparation essential for compelling composition and right talking, give a balanced learning of the English dialect, support basic considering, build up a discerning way to deal with writing, and help in the choice of human values that will advance the scholarly existence of the people and expand their multifold convenience to society.

Courses in outside dialects manage the cost of understudies the open door for understanding, talking, perusing, and composing dialects other than their local tongue, familiarize understudies with the vital non-English writing of the world, and acquaint people with the nature and structure of remote dialects as imperative parts of the world social legacy

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