Saturday 12 September 2015


About the Program

Bachelor of Science (BS)

The joint major programs are designed for students who wish to undertake study in two areas of engineering in order to qualify for employment in either field or for positions in which competence in two fields is required. The joint majors contain comparable proportions of coursework in both major fields. While they require slightly increased course loads, they can be completed in four years. Both majors are shown on the student's transcript of record. Students in this joint major program are concurrently enrolled in both the College of Engineering and the College of Chemistry, but their college of residence will be the College of Chemistry.

The areas of nuclear technology that depend heavily upon chemical engineering training include isotope separation, fuel reprocessing, waste management, feed material preparation, fuel chemistry, effluent control, fusion reactor fuel processing, and new reactor types.

Admission to the Joint Major
Admission to the joint major programs is open to transfer students but closed to freshmen. Continuing students may petition for a change to a joint major program after their first year. For further details regarding how to declare the joint major, please contact the College of Chemistry.



Technique courses (T) may be repeated once for credit, with permission of the instructor.

DN 101 (T) Beginning Ballet. 2 hours.
A studio course in classical ballet at the beginning level.

DN 110 (T) Introduction to Dance Styles. 2 hours.
Introduction to ballet, modern, and jazz dance through theory and practice at the beginning level.

DN 111 (T) Modern Dance Technique I. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Dance major.
This course will introduce the basics of modern dance techniques.

DN 121 (T) Ballet Technique I-A. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Dance major
A studio course in classical ballet for first year dance majors. Offered in the fall semester.
DN 122 (T) Ballet Technique I-B. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Dance major.
The development of theory and practice of classical ballet for first year dance majors. Offered spring semester

DN 142 World Dance. 2 hours.
An introduction to dance movement as influenced by various cultures.
DN 151 (T) Jazz Technique I. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Dance major.
Introduction to jazz dance technique and style through dance studio work.

DN 200 (T) Special Topics. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Investigation of dance theories and principles.
DN 210 (T) Dance Styles II. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: DN 110.
This course will include study of various dance styles at the intermediate level. The styles will represent dance forms from theatrical productions.

DN 211 (T) Modern Dance Technique II -A. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Dance major.
A studio course in modern dance technique at the intermediate level.

DN 212 (T) Modern Dance Technique II -B. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Dance major.
A studio course in modern dance technique at the advanced intermediate level.

DN 221 (T) Ballet Technique II -A. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: DN 101 or DN 121 or permission of instructor.
Development of classical ballet technique, and performance quality at the intermediate level.

DN 222 (T) Ballet Technique II -B. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: DN 221 or permission of instructor.
Development of the classical theory and practice of ballet, at the intermediate level.

DN 240 Choreography I. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Dance major.
Basic exploration of the rhythmic and spatial elements in the development of movement phrases and choreographic dance studies.

DN 251 (T) Jazz Technique II -A. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Dance major.
A studio course in jazz dance technique at the intermediate level.

DN 252 (T) Jazz Technique II -B. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Dance major.
A studio course in jazz dance technique at a more advanced intermediate level.
DN 265 Anatomy/Kinesiology for Dance. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Dance major.
Lecture/studio course covering the basics of the musculoskeletal system and dance kinesiology.

DN 300 (T) Special Topics. 1 to 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Dance major or permission of instructor.
Study of dance theories and principles for performance, choreography or pedagogy.

DN 310 (T) Dance Styles III. 3 hours.
A studio course in various dance styles used for concert dance or theatrical productions.



In addition to completing the specific prerequisites included in the descriptions of the following courses, all students seeking to enroll in 300- or 400-level courses in the Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration must have attained junior standing (61 semester hours). A student enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences who has declared a major or minor in economics may enroll in EC 308 and/or EC 309 prior to earning 61 hours.

All C&BA students must, prior to seeking to enroll in any 300- or 400-level C&BA course, complete or be enrolled in the following prerequisites: EC 110 and EC 111; MATH 112 and MATH 121, or MATH 115 and MATH 125; CS 102; AC 210; ST 260; and LGS 200 (or their equivalents); and at least 4 hours in natural science, 3 hours of fine arts, literature, or humanities, and 3 hours of history or social and behavioral sciences. Failure to fulfill all prerequisites prior to enrolling in a 300- or 400-level C&BA course will result in administrative disenrollment from that course.

EC 110 and EC 111 or their equivalents are prerequisites for all economics courses numbered 300 or higher.

A grade of “C-” or higher is required in EC 308 and EC 309 for all classes for which they serve as prerequisites.
Intermediate micro- and macroeconomic theory (EC 308 and EC 309 or their equivalents) are prerequisites for all graduate coursework in economics except MBA-designated courses.

EC 110 Principles of Microeconomics. 3 hours.
Introduction to microeconomic analysis concentrating on consumer and producer behavior, competitive and imperfect MARKETS, public policy and regulation, and income distribution.
EC 111 Principles of Macroeconomics. 3 hours.
Introduction to macroeconomic analysis concentrating on national income, price levels, employment, monetary and fiscal policies, and international trade and development.

EC 210 Microeconomic Policy Analysis. 3 hours.
This course uses economic analysis to examine a range of public policy issues.

EC 211 Macroeconomic Policy Analysis. 3 hours.
Building on the macroeconomics background of EC 111, students will consider current national and international economic problems and issues.
EC 308 Intermediate Microeconomics. 3 hours.
Examination of the theory of price and the theory of resource allocation. Topics include demand theory, production and cost functions, pricing and output under competitive and noncompetitive conditions, resource MARKETS, and rudiments of general equilibrium analysis.

EC 309 Intermediate Macroeconomics. 3 hours.
A study of the theoretical framework underlying income, employment, and growth analysis.

EC 389 Computerized Management Information Systems (also FI 389). 3 hours.
Introduction to the components of computerized management information systems and applications of computer-based systems to business decisions. Students may not receive credit for EC 389 and FI 389.



Enrollment in specific courses in the College of Education may be restricted to students who clearly demonstrate the greatest potential for success as teachers. Factors such as general studies courses completed, GPA, scores on state and program tests, interviews, etc., may be considered.

MUE 107 Basic Skills in Music. 2 hours.
Basic music-reading skills developed through singing and playing of instruments. The course is designed for the prospective elementary school teacher and is a prerequisite for MUE 385. Students with previous musical training may elect to demonstrate equivalent skills through testing.

MUE 200 Introduction to Music Education. 2 hours.
Techniques associated with teaching music in public schools. Development of classroom management skills and reflection on the role of the music educator in contemporary classrooms.

MUE 251 Introduction to Winds, Strings, and Percussion. 3 hours.
Group instruction in and exposure to techniques for working with wind, string, and percussion instruments. This survey course includes lecture, demonstration, and hands-on participation. Offered spring semester.

MUE 252 Teaching String and Percussion Instruments. 2 hours.
Group instruction in and exposure to techniques of teaching and performing on string, and percussion instruments. This survey course includes lecture, demonstration, and hands-on participation. Offered spring semester.

MUE 350 Evaluation of Teaching and Learning in Music. 3 hours.
Prerequisites: MATH 100 or higher, BEP 305, admission to the teacher education program, and a grade of “B” or better in MUE 389.

Survey of standardized instruments and evaluation techniques in music.

MUE 351 Teaching Flute and Single Reeds. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Admission to the teacher education program.

Instructional techniques and materials for teaching flute and single reeds. Offered fall semester.

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SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology. 3 hours.
Introduction to the scientific study of human social behavior.

SOC 202 Analysis of Social Problems. 3 hours.
Study of contemporary social problems, including definition, description, and analysis. Emphasis is on social change perspectives and cultural complexity.

SOC 205 Social Psychology. 3 hours.
Not open to students who have earned credit in PY 372. Study of the interrelationships between the individual and the group. Includes perception, cognition, attribution, attitudes, helping behavior, aggression, personal relationships, prejudice, and gender in social life. Also includes aspects of applied social psychology.

SOC 210 Juvenile Delinquency. 3 hours
Extent and patterns of delinquency; its development in individuals and gangs; group therapy with delinquents; and juvenile courts, training schools, probation, and aftercare supervision.

Unless otherwise specified, SOC 101 is a prerequisite for all 300- and 400-level sociology courses.

SOC 300 Research Methods. 3 hours.
Theoretical and specific instruction in both the conduct and application of research methods in criminal justice settings. Includes problems of research and policy dimensions of both direct and applied approaches.

SOC 301 Social Statistics (same as CJ 381). 3 hours.
Prerequisite: MATH 110 or MATH 112. Elementary statistical techniques applied to sociological data; tables and graphs, central tendency and dispersion, probability and sampling, tests of significance, and measures of association.

SOC 302 Sociological Theory. 3 hours.
The course will provide a review of the major systems of thought about society. Special emphasis is given to historical context and philosophical background as they relate to the development of sociological theories. Students will be introduced to view points and idea about how society functions, the role of conflict in society and the forces of social change.
SOC 315 Race and Ethnic Relations. 3 hours.

Analysis of American social structure, race and ethnic relations, and demographic and institutional trends; studies of racial and ethnic issues.



SW 100 Introduction to the Fields of Social Work Practice. 3 hours.

An overview of the many and varied roles in which social workers function in today’s society. Reviews the historical development of the profession and its various fields of practice and the profession’s code of ethics, and covers current national and local issues. Fifteen hours of volunteer work outside of class are required. Required course for social work majors and social welfare minors; open to all University students, but freshmen and sophomores preferred. Offered in the fall and spring semesters.
SW 101 Orientation to Social Work. 1 hour.

The purpose of this course is to orient new social work majors to the School of Social Work (SSW) to promote student academic success. Emphasis is on the advising process and establishing an educational plan, professional etiquette, steps in applying for admission to the professional program, the BSW program=s writing proficiency exam, and campus resources.

SW 200 History of Social Welfare in the United States. 3 hours.

Study of the general institutional basis of social welfare: its structure, function, historical development, and the philosophical bases of the provision of social welfare services. Offered in the fall and spring semesters.

SW 206 Growing Old in America. 3 hours.

Provides information about the aging process and the position of older persons in American society.

SW 208 Juvenile Delinquency: Causes, Control, and Services. 3 hours.

Examination of the nature and extent of delinquency. Theories of causation and the structure and function of courts are explored. Emphasis placed on prevention, control, and interventions with juvenile offenders and their families.

SW 210 Family and Child Welfare. 3 hours.

Examines the current situation in services for children and families. Gives an overview of services designed to strengthen families, as well as those that provide substitute care of children when the family is unable to meet this responsibility.

SW 212 Death, Dying, and Bereavement. 3 hours.

Analysis of a variety of issues and problems presented by death, dying, and grief in American culture, with some comparison to other cultures. Examines attitudes and responses to death and the perspectives of children and adults.

SW 300 Special Topics. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or permission of the instructor. May be repeated for a total of 6 hours with permission of undergraduate program chair.

Examination of an important topic in contemporary social work. Topic varies from semester to semester.

SW 310 Professional Writing. 1 hour

As clear and effective COMMUNICATION skills are necessary for social service delivery, this pass/fail course assists students with acquiring/improving professional writing skills.

University of Alabama - BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (BSC)


Office: 1324 Science and Engineering Complex
BSC 108 Introductory Biology for Non-Majors I. 4 hours.

Lecture and laboratory. Not open to biology majors or minors, pre–health professions students, or students with credit for BSC 114:115 and BSC 116:117 (or the honors equivalents, BSC 118 and BSC 120). Survey of the basic principles of cellular biology, genetics, plant and animal diversity, and evolution. Usually offered fall, spring, and summer. BSC 108 and BSC 109 may be taken in either order.

BSC 109 Introductory Biology for Non-Majors II. 4 hours.

Lecture and laboratory. Not open to biology majors or minors, or to pre–health professions students. Study of the physiology of living organisms, with emphasis on the physiology of humans. Includes an overview of general ecology and animal behavior. Usually offered fall, spring, and summer. BSC 108 and BSC 109 may be taken in either order.

BSC 114 Principles of Biology I. 3 hours.

For biology majors, biology minors, and pre–health professions students. Study of general biological principles, including the chemical basis of life; cellular biology, including cell structure and metabolism, genetics, evolution; and a survey of simple organisms, including viruses, bacteria, protista, and fungi. Offered fall, spring, and summer. NOTE: A student must take both BSC 114 and BSC 115 in order to use either one of the courses to satisfy a portion of the natural science (N) requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

BSC 115 Biology I Laboratory. 1 hour.
Prerequisite or corequisite: BSC 114.

NOTE: A student must take both BSC 114 and BSC 115 in order to use either one of the courses to satisfy a portion of the natural science (N) requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

BSC 116 Principles of Biology II. 3 hours.
Prerequisite: BSC 114 or BSC 118.

For biology majors, biology minors, and pre–health professions students. Study of the structure, function, and ecology of organisms, including bryophytes, vascular plants, invertebrate animals, and vertebrate animals. Offered fall, spring, and summer. NOTE: A student must take both BSC 116 and BSC 117 in order to use either one of the courses to satisfy a portion of the natural science (N) requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

BSC 117 Biology II Laboratory. 1 hour.
Prerequisite: BSC 115.

NOTE: A student must take both BSC 116 and BSC 117 in order to use either one of the courses to satisfy a portion of the natural science (N) requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

Thursday 20 August 2015

University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (Chickasha, OK) - business


USAO’s Bachelor of Science degree in business combines the practical procedure of the discipline with the people-oriented aspect of the liberal 

Business students find an emphasis on effective evaluation of factual information, working efficiently with others, the promotion of moral and ethical values within the business community as well as sound and creative decision making. 
Business majors have a 33-hour business core designed to ensure student success in the business field. In addition, students have the flexibility of tailoring their program through an additional 15 hours in business elective courses to earn an emphasis in accounting, business administration or management. 
Emphasis in accounting provides students with a knowledge of the theory and practice of accounting and the skills necessary to stay abreast of continuing developments in their field.

Additionally, students are encouraged to recognize the importance of professional ethics, personal responsibility and the continuing development of leadership skills.

University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (Chickasha, OK) - speech-language pathology

Speech Language Pathology

USAO offers a bachelor of science degree with a major in speech-language pathology. The undergraduate program is designed for persons wishing to pursue graduate study in speech-language pathology and audiology, 
but also offers an avenue for students interested in pursuing graduate degrees in other health professions, law, psychology, special education or gerontology.

A master’s degree is necessary for professional certification as a speech-language pathologist. There are five graduate programs in speech-language pathology in Oklahoma. 

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) is the national scientific, professional, and credentialing association for speech-language pathologists.

Attainment of the bachelor of science degree in speech-language pathology from USAO provides students with a broad base of knowledge and prepares them well for graduate school and future work in the profession.

Career opportunities for persons with a bachelor’s degree in speech-language pathology are comparable to those for students with undergraduate degrees in related fields, such as psychology, sociology, linguistics, or liberal arts.

University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (Chickasha, OK) - Elementary Education

Elementary Education

This degree program combines liberal arts learning with teacher preparation. Its goal is to prepare individuals to become effective teachers in the elementary grades and obtain an Oklahoma Teaching Certificate in elementary education.

The program is a standards-based program, based upon the guidelines set forth by the Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI), NCATE program standards for elementary teacher preparation,

Oklahoma state competencies, and the findings from “Effective Teacher” research. Collectively, these standards and research findings provide the knowledge base for what elementary teachers should know and do.

Individuals successfully completing this program are qualified to obtain an Oklahoma teaching certificate to teach in grades 1-8.

However, most seventh-eighth grade situations require additional certification in a major subject area, such as middle school science, mathematics, English, or social studies.

University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (Chickasha, OK) - physical education

physical education

The physical education program enriches the life of each student by providing knowledge concerning good health practices, efficient use of body mechanics to meet the demands of a lifetime and the sharpening of skills necessary for participation in physical activities throughout life.

A student can obtain a bachelor of science degree in physical education with or without teacher education certification.
A coaching emphasis is available also for students who desire to coach interscholastic sports.

The majority of graduates with a major in physical education pursue an elementary school or secondary teaching career and are often asked to coach a sport in a co-curricular activity program. 

Many go to graduate school enabling them to specialize in fields such as exercise physiology, sports administration or public and private health/activity management. Other graduates will go into businesses related to their major preparation.

University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (Chickasha, OK) - communication skills

communication skills 

Most people are born with the ability to acquire good communication skills and the communication program can help students realize their full potential.
Communication, by its very nature,
is interdisciplinary, requiring a broad understanding of human behavior; an awareness of the vast diversity, as well as the strong similarities,
among humans and human cultures;
the global nature of how humans are connected to each other; and the critical need to communicate accurately and ethically.
The goal of the USAO communication program is to teach students how to increase shared understanding-- whether interpersonally, in small groups, in a public forum, or among millions through the mass media. 

Rather than the narrow view of a specialist, today’s communication graduate must develop a broad perspective that allows him or her to create effective messages in oral, written, and visual form. This is the focus of the USAO program as students learn how, why, and with what effects humans communicate.

University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (Chickasha, OK) - Art Bachelor Fine Arts

Art Bachelor Fine Arts

The successful artist must develop intellectual, philosophical and technical strength, possess a broad worldview and demonstrate the ability to solve problems in a creative and self-assured manner.
USAO’s art program is built upon these three basic tenets. 
Our professionally-staffed art courses are specifically designed to teach visual language in a logical sequence of courses. This program reinforces and broadens a student’s professional education, preparing him or her for a successful career. USAO's liberal arts model places the highest premium on communication and, as artists, we are committed to our role as visual communicators.
USAO’s art program offers a bachelor’s degree of fine art and bachelor’s degree in art, with concentrations in drawing, design, figure, printmaking, painting, sculpture, ceramics/pottery, jewelry/metals, graphic design, graphics, photography and computer graphics.

University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (Chickasha, OK) - Certification Teacher in English

Certification Teacher in English 

The USAO English Teacher Certification Program is offered through the Division of Arts and Humanities and combines liberal arts learning with teacher preparation. Its goal is to prepare individuals to become effective teachers in the English areas and obtain an Oklahoma Teaching Certificate in English. 
This program is a standards-based program, based upon the standards and guidelines set forth by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) the state competencies, and findings from "Effective Teacher" research.

Collectively, these standards and research findings provide the knowledge base for what English teachers are to know and to do.

Upon successful completion of this program, individuals are qualified to obtain an Oklahoma teaching certificate to teach English in grades 6-12. Since USAO teacher certification programs are nationally certified by The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) certification in other states is simplified.

 It is recommended that certification be initially obtained in Oklahoma prior to seeking certification from another state.

University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (Chickasha, OK) - TEACHER CERTIFICATION IN ART


The USAO art teacher certification program is offered through the Division of Arts and Humanities and combines liberal arts learning with teacher preparation. Its goal is to prepare individuals to become effective art teachers and obtain an Oklahoma Teaching Certificate in art.
This program is a standards-based program, based upon the standards set forth by the National Art Education Association (NAEA), the State Competencies, and the research findings from "Effective Teacher" research. Collectively, these standards and research findings provide the knowledge base for what art teachers should know and do.
Individuals successfully completing this program are eligible to obtain an Oklahoma teaching certificate to teach art in grades PK-12. Since USAO teacher certification programs are nationally certified by The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) certification in other states is simplified. 
It is recommended that certification be initially obtained in Oklahoma prior to seeking certification from another state.
