Carleton College (Northfield, MN) - Political Science (POSC)
Political Science (POSC)
Political science encompasses the study of governments and international organizations, political behavior, public policies, political processes, systems, and theory. It includes American politics, comparative politics, political philosophy, international relations and world politics. The department's curriculum is designed to cultivate judicious and productive citizenship, as well as provide versatile skills and knowledge. These can be applied to a wide range of fields, including law, business, government, international service, education, journalism, and other fields.
Majors choose between two tracks: Political Science or Political Science/International Relations. Within each of these tracks, students have flexibility to plan their courses of study around subfields of interest.
Requirements for the Political Science track
Sixty-six credits, including:
1. Core Courses (18 credits) Majors are required to complete three of the following core courses prior to their senior year.
POSC 120 Democracy and Dictatorship
POSC 122 Politics in America: Liberty and Equality
POSC 160 Political Philosophy
POSC 170 International Relations and World Politics
2. Methods Sequence (12 credits):
MATH 115 Introduction to Statistics, MATH 215 Introduction to Probability and Statistics, MATH 245 Applied Regression Analysis (6 credits) or MATH Stats AP score of 4 or 5. Math courses may be taken on an elective S/CR/NC basis.
POSC 230: Methods of Political Research (6 credits) This course should be taken as soon as possible after declaring a major, but not simultaneously with the math class listed above.