University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (Chickasha, OK) - communication skills
communication skills
Most people are born with the ability to acquire good communication skills and the communication program can help students realize their full potential.
is interdisciplinary, requiring a broad understanding of human behavior; an awareness of the vast diversity, as well as the strong similarities,
among humans and human cultures;
the global nature of how humans are connected to each other; and the critical need to communicate accurately and ethically.
The goal of the USAO communication program is to teach students how to increase shared understanding-- whether interpersonally, in small groups, in a public forum, or among millions through the mass media.
Rather than the narrow view of a specialist, today’s communication graduate must develop a broad perspective that allows him or her to create effective messages in oral, written, and visual form. This is the focus of the USAO program as students learn how, why, and with what effects humans communicate.