Thomas More College of Liberal Arts (Merrimack, NH - Classical Languages
Classical Languages
Illa vox et imploratio “Civis Romanus sum,” quae saepe multis in ultimis terris opem inter barbaros et salutem tulit.Cicero, In Verrem Meritorious is that course of education which, during the academic formation of the youth, desires that student carefully study of the ancient classics in Greek and Latin.from Pope Leo XIII, Ea disciplinae, On the study of languages in an undergraduate education To be without Greek or Latin is barbarism.

To the end of his days, the bullish Theodore Roosevelt contended that one thing was necessary for an individual to be educated to such a standard that he had a chance to lead in the world of politics or daily affairs. That “essential element” was “classical training.” There was never, until very recently, any opposition perceived between the liberal learning that came from the careful study of Latin and Greek and the often practical actions that students inevitably undertake beyond the college years. In the Catholic tradition, the recovery and preservation of Greek and Latin learning remains central—indeed, the very foundation of an education.
To the end of his days, the bullish Theodore Roosevelt contended that one thing was necessary for an individual to be educated to such a standard that he had a chance to lead in the world of politics or daily affairs. That “essential element” was “classical training.” There was never, until very recently, any opposition perceived between the liberal learning that came from the careful study of Latin and Greek and the often practical actions that students inevitably undertake beyond the college years. In the Catholic tradition, the recovery and preservation of Greek and Latin learning remains central—indeed, the very foundation of an education.
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