SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology. 3 hours.
Introduction to the scientific study of human social behavior.
SOC 202 Analysis of Social Problems. 3 hours.
Study of contemporary social problems, including definition, description, and analysis. Emphasis is on social change perspectives and cultural complexity.
SOC 205 Social Psychology. 3 hours.
Not open to students who have earned credit in PY 372. Study of the interrelationships between the individual and the group. Includes perception, cognition, attribution, attitudes, helping behavior, aggression, personal relationships, prejudice, and gender in social life. Also includes aspects of applied social psychology.
SOC 210 Juvenile Delinquency. 3 hours
Extent and patterns of delinquency; its development in individuals and gangs; group therapy with delinquents; and juvenile courts, training schools, probation, and aftercare supervision.
Unless otherwise specified, SOC 101 is a prerequisite for all 300- and 400-level sociology courses.
SOC 300 Research Methods. 3 hours.

SOC 301 Social Statistics (same as CJ 381). 3 hours.
Prerequisite: MATH 110 or MATH 112. Elementary statistical techniques applied to sociological data; tables and graphs, central tendency and dispersion, probability and sampling, tests of significance, and measures of association.
SOC 302 Sociological Theory. 3 hours.
The course will provide a review of the major systems of thought about society. Special emphasis is given to historical context and philosophical background as they relate to the development of sociological theories. Students will be introduced to view points and idea about how society functions, the role of conflict in society and the forces of social change.
SOC 315 Race and Ethnic Relations. 3 hours.
Analysis of American social structure, race and ethnic relations, and demographic and institutional trends; studies of racial and ethnic issues.