Reed College (Portland, OR) - Dual Degree and Special Programs (Computer Science- Engineering)
Dual Degree and Special Programs
In order to offer students a broad selection of majors, Reed College has affiliated with cooperating institutions where students may undertake a program that will allow them to graduate with degrees from both institutions.
Students participating in these programs are required to maintain contact with Reed during the years spent at the other institution. Information is available from the Reed College registrar’s office. Students interested in these programs should consult with the appropriate Reed coordinator early in their time at Reed. Summary information about the engineering and computer science programs is also available on the web.
Computer Science
By arrangement with the University of Washington, a student may obtain a bachelor of arts degree from Reed and a bachelor of science degree in computer science from the University of Washington....
By arrangement with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), the Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, or Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, a student may obtain a bachelor’s degree in engineering (alternatively, computer science or certain earth and planetary sciences) and a bachelor of arts degree from Reed....