In addition to completing the specific prerequisites included in the descriptions of the following courses, all students seeking to enroll in 300- or 400-level courses in the Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration must have attained junior standing (61 semester hours). A student enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences who has declared a major or minor in economics may enroll in EC 308 and/or EC 309 prior to earning 61 hours.
All C&BA students must, prior to seeking to enroll in any 300- or 400-level C&BA course, complete or be enrolled in the following prerequisites: EC 110 and EC 111; MATH 112 and MATH 121, or MATH 115 and MATH 125; CS 102; AC 210; ST 260; and LGS 200 (or their equivalents); and at least 4 hours in natural science, 3 hours of fine arts, literature, or humanities, and 3 hours of history or social and behavioral sciences. Failure to fulfill all prerequisites prior to enrolling in a 300- or 400-level C&BA course will result in administrative disenrollment from that course.
EC 110 and EC 111 or their equivalents are prerequisites for all economics courses numbered 300 or higher.
A grade of “C-” or higher is required in EC 308 and EC 309 for all classes for which they serve as prerequisites.

EC 110 Principles of Microeconomics. 3 hours.
Introduction to microeconomic analysis concentrating on consumer and producer behavior, competitive and imperfect MARKETS, public policy and regulation, and income distribution.
EC 111 Principles of Macroeconomics. 3 hours.
Introduction to macroeconomic analysis concentrating on national income, price levels, employment, monetary and fiscal policies, and international trade and development.
EC 210 Microeconomic Policy Analysis. 3 hours.
This course uses economic analysis to examine a range of public policy issues.
EC 211 Macroeconomic Policy Analysis. 3 hours.
Building on the macroeconomics background of EC 111, students will consider current national and international economic problems and issues.
EC 308 Intermediate Microeconomics. 3 hours.
EC 309 Intermediate Macroeconomics. 3 hours.
A study of the theoretical framework underlying income, employment, and growth analysis.
EC 389 Computerized Management Information Systems (also FI 389). 3 hours.
Introduction to the components of computerized management information systems and applications of computer-based systems to business decisions. Students may not receive credit for EC 389 and FI 389.