Social Work (B.A.)
Social Work (B.S.)
Social Work (B.S.) (Wesleyan Advantage)
For the Bachelor of Science degree in Social Work, students are required to complete all courses listed for the major. Students desiring the Bachelor of Arts degree in social work will need to complete a minimum of 15 hours of a modern foreign language (Spanish is highly recommended) in addition to the required courses.
Provisional admission to the social work program may be made by contacting the program director. Provisional admission requires completion of SOCWK 1150 Introduction to Social Work, a minimum grade point average of 2.0 overall, and completion of a provisional admission application.
Declaration of social work major and provisional admission to the program does not guarantee acceptance into Full Admission status. Only those accepted for Full Admission status may continue on in the program. Full Admission status requires a grade of “C+” or better in entry-level social work courses and completion of a Full Admission application and interview before the Social Work Executive Council. Full Admission interviews are conducted in November and April of each year.
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